Dear family, friends, citizens and business associates:
Veterans Day...Let's Remember Those That Have Served
������ 2010 Veterans Day Video - Freedom Isn't Free
Home Rule Charter Gaining Traction in Jefferson County
������� November 9, 2010 - Home Rule Charter - Davis Steelquist - Interview by Larry Carter
Article XI, �� 4 and 5 of the state constitution authorize the legislature to create a uniform system of government for counties. State law relating to counties is generally collected in Title 36 RCW. The uniform plan of county government provided by state law is the three-member commission form.
The constitution was amended in 1948 to provide counties the option of adopting a "home rule" charter. Adoption of a home rule charter allows a county to choose a different form of government from the commission form specified by statute. Six counties have elected to adopt charters - Clallam (1979), King (1969), Pierce (1981), Snohomish (1980), Whatcom (1979), and San Juan (2005).
Article XI, � 16 was added to the state constitution in 1972 to provide the option of a consolidated city-county government. Although some of the larger cities and counties have considered this option, no consolidated city-county governments have yet been created in Washington State.
In contrast to counties, cities and towns can choose from three forms of government provided by statute, including the mayor-council, council-manager, and commission form of government. In addition to the choice in form of government already provided by state law, cities also have the ability to adopt a home rule charter, subject to certain requirements, and provide for their own form of government. Unlike counties, cities and towns do not have separately elected officers in addition to the council members and mayor.
Source: MRSC
SSNW Rejected at Supreme Court...What's Next for SSNW
Will Jefferson County's get away with the perfect crime...or will D'Amico's persistence and found hidden records pay off?
Other News:
� Have you had a case decided by Hearing Examiner Berteig?� Your rights may have been violated.�
� How Many Cases in Jefferson County Have Been Affected by Hidden Records?
� Recreational shooting open at Fort Discovery...Bring Your Family.
� SSNW is an approved Winchester dealer "SSNW helping citizens shoot more for less"
� Have old ammo that needs to be disposed of? Email
� Interested in learning how to do Public Records Request? Contact Jeffco101 at
What’s going on in Jefferson County? Watch Jeffco101 and find out.
New Videos Uploaded:
November 8, 2010, Jefferson County Board of County Commissioners - Public Comment (click on link below)
� Paul Richmond - District #3
� George Yount - Election Results
� Jim Fritz - Financial Disaster
� Ray Hunter - Paul Richmond
� Jim Tracy - District #3 Voters
� Tom Thiersch - Budget Extensions - Video of the Week!
� Joe D'Amico - Losing
� Mike Belenski - Commissioner Johnson Expense Reports
Upcoming Meetings/Events:
November 15, 2010, 0900 hrs, Jefferson County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) Meeting;
� 0901 - Public Comment (up to 30 minutes);
� - Commissioners Briefing (time and duration indeterminate);
� - Regular Agenda (time and duration indeterminate);
� - Recess to lunch;
� 1330 - County Administrator Briefing (duration indeterminate).
����������� November 16, 2010, 0930 hrs, Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, Jefferson County Courthouse, 1st floor Conference Room
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Joe D'Amico, Editor